
Transforming Digital Presence for Ward Inc Rentals


Project Overview

Ward Inc Rentals, a dynamic short-term rental agency, sought a comprehensive overhaul of their online presence to better engage customers and streamline their booking process. Geek Sultan was entrusted with the ambitious task of leading the project from conceptualization to execution, ensuring a seamless blend of aesthetics, functionality, and user experience.

Role and Scope

As the lead designer and developer, I was responsible for every aspect of the project. This included creating wireframes, developing engaging copy, selecting and designing imagery, and building the website using Squarespace.

Understanding the Client's Needs

Initial Assessment

Our initial analysis revealed that Ward Inc Rentals’ website was outdated, not user-friendly, and lacked the compelling visuals necessary to attract and retain customers. The primary goal was to create a site that was not only visually appealing but also intuitive and efficient for users.

Client's Vision

The client emphasized the need for a modern, sleek design that aligned with their brand identity. They wanted a website that would not only showcase their properties attractively but also ensure a smooth booking experience for their customers.

The Design Process


I initiated the project with detailed wireframes, using Adobe XD. This stage involved planning the layout and user flow to ensure an optimal user experience.

Visual Design and Copywriting

The visual design was crafted to echo the sophistication of Ward Inc Rentals’ brand, with a clean, modern aesthetic. Copywriting was approached with a focus on clarity and conciseness, aiming to communicate effectively with potential renters.

Imagery Selection

Strategically selected imagery played a crucial role in bringing the website to life, ensuring that each visual element complemented the overall design and narrative of the brand.


Building with Squarespace

Utilizing Squarespace, I developed a site that was not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. Custom coding was employed to add unique features that aligned with the client’s specific needs.

Mobile Responsiveness and SEO

I ensured that the website was fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience across various devices. SEO best practices were integrated to enhance the site’s visibility and reach.

Launch and Results

The Final Product

The final website stands as a testament to Ward Inc Rentals’ commitment to excellence. It features a user-friendly interface, stunning visuals, and efficient booking functionality.

Client Feedback and Performance Metrics

The client was extremely satisfied with the result, noting an increase in customer engagement and bookings. Post-launch metrics indicated a significant improvement in website traffic and user retention.


Personal Reflection

This project was both challenging and rewarding, providing me with invaluable experience in end-to-end website design and development. It honed my skills in various aspects, from UX design to content creation.

Future Recommendations

For future enhancements, I recommend regular updates to the website’s content and design elements to keep up with evolving trends and customer expectations.